2021 Hagyard Midsouth COVID-19 Preparedness Plan
As of August, 2021
The following COVID-19 guidelines must be adhered to while competing or attending the Hagyard Midsouth Event. Additionally, all Federal, State, and local laws that may be applicable must be followed. These laws are subject to change and are out of the control of the Organizing Committee (OC). The OC reserves the right to change the guidelines below as needed, when/if it becomes necessary. Failure to follow guidelines by anyone in attendance may result in their immediate disqualification and elimination from the Event, as well as sanctions from the governing bodies of our sport. No refunds will be provided to anyone disqualified for failure to follow these guidelines.
If you are competing at the Hagyard Midsouth Event or are an essential support staff for a competitor, you must be able to assure the OC that neither you nor anyone in your household:
- Has tested positive or has been presumed positive for COVID-19 at any time during the past 14 days
- Has been advised by a healthcare professional to self-quarantine at any time during the past 14 days
- Has been in close physical contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 or who has been presumed positive for COVID-19, during the past 14 days
- Is subject to a quarantine order or a recommendation of a healthcare professional that, in either case, would make it inadvisable to attend a public event or competition
- Has, within the past 24 hours, exhibited any of the following symptoms attributed to
COVD-19, including but not limited to, a fever of 99.5° or greater, cough and/or shortness of breath.
Anyone answering YES to ANY of the above questions is NOT permitted to compete or attend the Event. Additionally, anyone answering YES should contact the appropriate member of the OC to notify them of their condition.
- The OC is encouraging competitors to only bring essential staff to reduce the number of individuals on property
Temperature Checks
- All staff, volunteers, and officials will self-monitor their temperature prior to arrival at the show grounds each day. Any person who has a temperature of 100.4° F (37.5° C) should notify the CO and not attend. Any person who develops a temperature of 100.4° F (37.5° C) will need to leave the grounds immediately and they will be advised to check in at any medical facility prepared to handle a possible COVID-19 case. A list of suggested places will be provided from the Show Office or the medical support team on venue.
- Competitors will be expected to monitor their temperature for 24 hours prior to the competition. Anyone with an elevated temperature should contact the OC immediately
Safety Protocols
- All staff, volunteers, participants, and officials may wear masks at their discretion, when on grounds at the Kentucky Horse Park and when within six feet of another individual. This includes while on foot, in golf carts, in stabling areas, etc.
- Juniors/minors should be accompanied by an adult or family member.
- Hand sanitizer stations will be available in various locations on the venue. We recommend you bring a personal size bottle of hand sanitizer for your convenience and safety.
- Gloves are encouraged especially when touching shared community items or surfaces.
- The frequent washing of hands or use hand sanitizer is strongly encouraged.
- In case of inclement weather, your safety is paramount. We encourage you to seek shelter in your vehicle if at all possible and avoid gathering in the stabling area.
Kentucky Horse Park (KHP)
- Access to the KHP shall only be permitted via the main entrance off on Iron Works Pike
- The KHP will ensure that all permanent restroom facilities are cleaned and sanitized multiple times per day
- Follow all posted rules as indicated throughout the KHP
- Golf carts/small motorbikes/bicycles are permitted. Unless they have been disinfected, it is recommended that one (1) individual serve as the designated driver.
- Foodservice will follow government guidelines for restaurants, which limits contact.
Show Office
- All interaction with the Show Office should take place via the walk-up windows. Line queues will be designated outside the office. Social distancing should be maintained at all times.
- Entries will be completed online before start of show day to reduce person-to-person contact.
- Entrance inside the Show Office is strictly prohibited unless directed by the OC.
- Competition packets, including Dressage Tests, will be organized and distributed in such a fashion to minimize contact.
- Cross-country maps may be accessed online at www.kyevents.net Printed copies will not be available. The maps will also be posted outside the Show Office and you may take pictures.
- Access to stabling should be limited to essential support personnel only.
- The entered competitor will be responsible for the actions of individuals within their group, including any misconduct regarding these guidelines.
- While in the stabling area:
- Maintain social distancing
- It is recommended that only one person be in any stall at a time. Exceptions would be in the case of an emergency or treatment(s) to the horse.
- The frequent washing of hands or use hand sanitizer is encouraged
- Use mounting blocks when available. It is recommended to avoid leg up as much as possible.
- Equipment should not be shared. If this occurs, individual pieces of equipment should be sanitized after use.
- The number of horses in schooling areas may be limited to allow appropriate social distancing. No more than one (1) person per horse are allowed inside the schooling area.
- Bit check volunteers will do a physical inspection of the tack. They will wear gloves. The rider or trainer may remove bridle for inspection (this may be done after the ride). Riders are encouraged to bring a halter in case they need to remove the bridle after they ride dressage
- Competitors may be asked to remove ear bonnets
Ribbons, Gifts, and Prizes
- Distribution of ribbons will be done in such a way to reduce person-to-person contact
- The OC has assigned a COVID Compliance Officer and Compliance Team. These individuals will be responsible for ensuring all supplies are available and stocked.
- The Compliance Officer, Compliance Team, Competition Management, KHP Mounted Police and the KHP Staff will be available on the grounds as needed to assist, and to offer reminders of the importance of following these guidelines.
- Failure to follow these guidelines by any attendee or competitor may result in the issuance of a Yellow Card, immediate disqualification, and/or removal from the KHP. The sole authority in any such matter is the OC or any of their designees.
Medical Services
- Multiple EMTs will be available on site during the event. However, anyone showing symptoms of COVID-19 should leave the KHP and contact a licensed medical facility for further assistance.
Waiver of Liability
- All competitors and essential staff must provide emergency contact information and complete an updated Waiver and Release of Liability, Assumption of Risk and Indemnity Agreement required by USEF.
- Failure to do so will be an automatic disqualification from the Event.
Vendor Tents
- Social distancing shoud be maintained.
- The following customer capacity for vendor tents should be followed:
Vendor Type | Capacity |
10 x 10 | 2 |
10 x 20 | 3 |
10 x 30 | 4 |
20 x 20 | 5 |
Trailer | 3 |
- Vendors should limit personal contact as much as possible and disinfect the shopping area daily.
- Checkout counters should be wiped down after each customer/transaction.